
Alternative Licensure

The NW BOCES Teacher Alternative Teacher License Program is a state-approved, non-traditional licensure program offered by NW BOCES to eligible candidates only. This program is designed for the individual who would like to become a licensed teacher in Colorado but has not completed a traditional teacher licensure program through a college or university.  The program is a one-year “on-the-job” teacher preparation training experience.

NEW for the 23-24 school year! The NW BOCES is now authorized to prepare educators to earn a k-12 Special Education Generalist endorsement. This is in addition to all the general education endorsements we've always offered as seen at this page: Alternative Licensing Endorsement Areas

Once you've accepted a teaching position at a NW BOCES school, here are your next steps:

  1. Complete the NW BOCES Alternative License Intake Form. Once you've completed this step, a NW BOCES representative will reach out to you to schedule a time to discuss your participation. 
  2. Begin the process of applying for your alternative teacher’s license with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). Please review this page, Alternative Pathway - Alternative Teacher License, for detailed instructions and what documentation you’ll need. This one-page document also can be helpful as it features highlights of what to expect when applying. 
  3. Although applying for the appropriate teacher’s license is your professional and legal responsibility, here are some helpful tips:
    • As part of that application process (both with CDE and the NW BOCES) you’ll see that you, your employing district, and the NW BOCES will need to fill out a Statement of Assurance. This is the only documentation you’ll need from the NW BOCES and your school district to complete your alternative teacher’s license application. The rest is up to you!
    • Ensure you have the right qualifications (transcripted courses) for your endorsement area - the grade level and content you’ll be teaching (ex: 7-12 Mathematics, K-12 Music, Elementary Education, etc.). See Alternative Licensing Endorsement Areas for more details and to print the appropriate worksheet.

If at any point, you need support, don’t hesitate to reach out to the NW BOCES Professional Learning Coordinator & Coach, who will be your Field Supervisor for this program: 

Darcy Harris
Professional Learning Director


    Image shows sample of a Colorado Department of Education issued teacher's license

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